How is artificial intelligence impacting cyber security – is it useful and how come we, as a society, got so far? Can machine learning learn how to protect us from cyber attacks. Let’s discuss.
How can Artificial Intelligence be used in cyber security?
Artificial intelligence can be used to collect and respond to information about current virus threats, generalize it, and create intelligent databases.
Let’s create an overview of the field of artificial intelligence called AI CYBERSECURITY.
While machine learning, a special kind of AI, makes it easier for artificial intelligence systems to evolve and adapt over time, they are limited by the way they are initially set up and trained. Examples of a subset of these AI technologies today include machine vision, speech recognition, machine translation and language processing.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cyber Security?
In the face of new threats, security solutions that use artificial intelligence must be trained to keep pace with these developments.
Articial Intelligence Tools for Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) Based tools such as machine learning and voice recognition are evolving to help information security teams reduce the risk of injury and improve their security posture efficiently and effectively.
Example of AI used in security systems
In 2016, for example, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA) developed a system called AI2, an adaptive machine-learning security platform that helps analysts find the needle in a haystack.
The cyber security project AI2 was developed to predict security breaches and potential hacking attempts. Some sources claim that the software project has a success score that goes up to 85%. In this project the patterns used for the development followed the “analyst intuition” which a Senior Security Expert has. And even improves it! The system detects potential network disruptions and gives feedback to the security teams. From there, engineers start working on improving the platform and making it more secure.
The biggest benefit in this example is that the process of improving the security system is endless. It requires no pause, no sleep, no restless nights. An expert from the team says: “…this continuously generates new models that it can refine in as little as a few hours, this means it can improve its detection rates significantly and rapidly.”
How security experts use AI technology?
Deep learning enables software to develop its own logic by studying and comparing large amounts of data. This allows security experts to learn about new attack vectors and better detect threats in real time.
AI applications use the ability to simulate human intelligence to solve problems and make decisions. They use a combination of computer vision, machine learning and artificial neural networks.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning make human life easier, but there is no doubt that the results can be disastrous if a cleverly written algorithm goes wrong. The ideal role of AI in cybersecurity is to analyze machine-generated patterns – learning algorithms, such as human-machine interaction.
Benefits of using AI in cybersecurity
- Needs no sleep
- Reliable
- Learns on its own
- Learns from mistake
- Eliminates the chances of human error
- Works 24/7
- Can be changed at any time
- Maintains and responds at all times
- Can be easily integrated or adjusted to the company’s needs
Future of AI Security
It’s hard to predict the future of AI security but we are positive that it will be the future standard for a reliable network and online-based system. There is no way we can outshine an algorithm because when created by an expert, it can solve many problems without hesitation. That’s why more organizations should consider the opportunity to implement this innovative approach into their structure.
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