What is the Salary of a Software Engineer? Monthly Earnings 2021

What is the salary of a software engineer?

We will answer one of the most importnant questions in the IT industry – how much does exactly earn a Software Engineer. Salary, monthly earnings, and all the information that you need about real money and cash.

Salary and Raises in the career of a Software Developer

Great programmers realize that they are paid more than shitty programmers, even if management can’t see the difference, and so they will do extra work to compensate other programmers who are on an equal footing.

Especially early in their careers, programmers know that they can get a 20% pay rise for every job change.

What is the Salary of a Software Engineer?

It’s important to point out that all experts earn a different amount of money depending on several factors.

What is the salary of a software engineer?

The salary depends on:

  • Experience
  • Tech Stack: Languages, Tools, Frameworks etc.
  • Years in the company
  • Level of expertise: Jinior, Middle, Seniord, Architect
  • Loyalty and Motivation for Growth and Self Imrpovement
  • Additional Rewarding and Bonus System
  • Size of the company
  • Number and Complexity of projects
  • Country / Region

In the USA, the salary of Software Engineers can go up to over $10,000 – and we are speaking money earned on a monthly basis. Especially if you are proficient in a programming language like Swift, Golang, or Elixir which are in high demand but not that mainstream in the IT industry.

However, in the EU, software engineers earn about 2,000 euros for a Middle or Junior position. Senior Developers earn about 5,000 euros. 

Developers in India are well known for working for salaries which are way above 5,000 euros. Of corse, here, we have to keep in mind the region, the financial standart in the country and other social aspects of the topic.

Some sources and independent surveys claim that on average, the salary of a software engineer in US on an yearly basis goes around $90,000. That’s about $7,500/month.

Notise: We can’t and shouldn’t compare the salaries in the Silicon Valley and the salaries in India or Eatern Europe. Even though the tech experts can do the same things and know pretty much the same stuff, the size of the company and the market demand determines how much an expert can ear. And how valuable a project is for investors.

Why do Software Developers Earn so Much?

 Software engineers also do things that go beyond writing code: they generate software ideas, coordinate the entire software development process, work with stakeholders to understand requirements, test and maintain the end product, but they also have to work on the technical side of the business, generate and test code, test and maintain.

So… In other words, Microsoft’s programmers — those who really do the work and really write the code themselves — can breathe a sigh of relief. 

Responsibilities and Salary: Junior, Middle, Senior, Architect

The responsibilities of software developers vary according to the size of the company, the nature of their work and the level of technical expertise in the company.

It’s not that to hard to be hired as a Junior anymore. More and more companies are hiring IT specialists with no experience and relying that they will learn on the go. That’s why Juniors are not getting paied as much as Senior-level experts. However, they still would make more than someone in Sales or Marketing.

Most of the time Middle-Level Developers guide Junior Developers and are always going after Senior Developers for advice.

Architect Developers earn a lot because they have a lot of responsibilities and a big team to babysit. They go to all-day long meetings with clients, with other engineering teams and decide on the fate of the product/service. They are reliable for every decision and sometimes even are the one to call out a huge business pivot. Usually, they are very good at multitasking, following a shedule, proficient in soft skills and have a stronger social presence.

The experts that earn the most in 2021 are the AI Software Developers.

What Is The Salary Of An Artificial Intelligence Engineer?

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Is it possible that Software Engineers will become obsolete?

No, Software Engineers won’t become obsolete because of the rising demand of AI. AI will make a new high-demand skillset – a AI programmer. Guess who will do the job then… Yeah, you;ve guessed it right. 

Full article on: Will Software Developers Lose Their Jobs?

What is the salary of a software engineer?

So this is our article on software engineers – their salaries. We know that nobody wants to talk about money because it’s a perhaps sensitive topic, but we are here to debunk some rumors and misconceptions in the IT industry. Egorithms  – the reliable source. Powered by AI.

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